Note: Temperature and humidity readings can be skewed by the operating temperature of the Tessel. Distancing the the climate module from the Tessel via wires is recommended for accurate readings.
Make a directory inside your “tessel-code” folder called “climate”, change directory into that folder, and initialize a tessel project:
mkdir climate; cd climate; t2 init
Plug the climate module into Tessel port A with the hexagon/icon side down and the electrical components on the top, then plug Tessel into your computer via USB.
Install by typing npm install climate-si7020
into the command line.
Rename “index.js” to “climate.js” and replace the file’s contents with the following:
// Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
This basic climate example logs a stream
of temperature and humidity to the console.
var tessel = require('tessel');
var climatelib = require('climate-si7020');
var climate = climatelib.use(tessel.port['A']);
climate.on('ready', function () {
console.log('Connected to climate module');
// Loop forever
setImmediate(function loop () {
climate.readTemperature('f', function (err, temp) {
climate.readHumidity(function (err, humid) {
console.log('Degrees:', temp.toFixed(4) + 'F', 'Humidity:', humid.toFixed(4) + '%RH');
setTimeout(loop, 300);
climate.on('error', function(err) {
console.log('error connecting module', err);
Save the file.
In your command line, t2 run climate.js
See the temperature and humidity change if you cup your hands and breathe on the module.
Bonus: Change the code so the temperature reads out in celsius rather than Fahrenheit.
To see what else you can do with the climate module, see the module docs here.
What else can you do with a climate module? Try a community-created project.
What are you making? Share your invention!
If you run into any issues you can check out the climate forums.